
We love it when you're able to worship with us in community, but when you're not, you can listen to PK's messages here!

Immediately below the sermons, you will also find PK's weekly Newsletter article "Perspectives".

MEDIA - Sermons



Pastor Keith writes a regular column in the weekly church newsletter.  Here are some of the latest editions of his insights and perspectives.

Choices we make

FCA Recap

FCA Event

Important Things

FCA is coming our way!

Hands & Feet

Where there is no vision...

Wake Up and Make a Difference

Are you a Chocolate Soldier?

Be the Church

United We Stand, Divided We Fall


The Hero's Among Us

Pray On

Sacred Roots

Simply Read

Rags to Riches

Be Loved.

Be Real.

Danger Zone

To the one

Christian Love

Be Intentional.

The Company That We Keep!

The Silversmith

The Good Samaritan

"The Little Red Hen"

"I Don't Know"

"Who's in?"

Charlotte "Lottie" Diggs Moon

The Gift of Giving.

God is Good.

Our Brother, Clyde Evans

Have a Happy Thanksgiving

When God Calls...Answer.

Live in Peaceful Confidence


Obey and then Pray

"The Bleeders"

Laws of the Lighthouse

Know Jesus, Know Heaven

Pay It Forward

The Journey Begins Right Now

Spider Webs

What is love?

Too Proud to be Carried

Lessons in Fishing

Blue Like Jazz

"For there is no distinction..."

Clean the lens for clarity.

Unanswered Prayers


Are you too busy to pray?

The Search for the Music Pastor begins

The Rejoiceful Choir

Making Connections

Trust God in Everything

God Sees/Loves/Hears You

"If I Were the Devil"

Nutritional Plan

The 'right time' is now.

Therefore...Do Not Worry

Standing firm with Christ

What does your relationship look like?

Silent not Defeated

Be Attentive and Diligent

Standing for Christ

I am the Resurrection and the Life

The Problem of Personal Sin

Cultural Conversations

Feasting on Leftovers

In all Things, Trust the Lord

Breaking Bread Together

Baptist History 101

Biblical Basis for the Church Gathered

Jesus is the Vine

Nothing New Under the Sun

Goals Worth Pursuing

Christmas Angels by Susan Fahncke

A Note from Dana Smith, Interim Worship Leader

Genuine Thankfulness

Doing the Best Right Thing

Deacons 2023

Sunday Sermons, song by Anne Wilson

Living A Quiet Life

Everyone is Different

Pressure Washing

A Blog Post from Bonnie Kristian, 9/11

Spiritual Journey Survey


What Does Your Harvest Look Like

Periodic Maintenance

Summer Update & Thank You

Musings That Make You Go "HMMMM..."

Characteristics Of A Mature Christian

Gradual Growth