Sunday Activities:
- 8:30 AM Worship Service, Fellowship Hall **Children's church for ages 3 - 1st grade
- 9:45 AM Sunday Morning Small Groups (all ages)
- 11:00 AM Worship Service, Sanctuary. **Children's church for ages 3 - 1st grade
- 4:30 PM Bible Drills for children & high school students
- 4:30 PM Worship with Glenda, Sanctuary
- 5:30 PM Adult Bible study (New Roots Classroom); AWANA Clubs for children ages 3 to 6th grade; Youth Open - Small group @ The Summit
Wednesday Activities:
- 5:15 PM Fellowship Meal (reservations required); Youth Pizza @ The Summit
- 5:45 PM Kids Choir, ages 3 to 6th grade, Upstairs Kids Area
- 6:30 PM Prayer & Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall; Adult Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room); Youth Bible Study @ The Summit; Children's Music & Missions, ages 3 to 6th grade, Upstairs Kids Area
- 8:00 PM Praise Team practice