Women's Ministry

Our vision, our desire, is to guide women closer to the heart of God, and while pursuing their relationship with Abba, they will discover His extraordinary plan to live abundant and gratifying lives! We aim to engage, encourage, and enrich the lives of women all ages through Bible study, fun gatherings, special events, and intentional discipleship.

To be included in our upcoming women's events, news, and information e-mail group, go here to register your e-mail address.

Latest News...

Ladies, we are so excited to share some upcoming news & plans we have for you all! Let's just jump in...


Upcoming Events

Woohoo! We've updated our calendar for the next several months!. You'll see that we've incorporated some fun fellowship times this year. Yes, we heard y'all! :) As each date draws near, we will send out more detailed information. Make sure to like our Facebook Page (FBC Cochran Women), add our email address (fbccochranwomen@gmail.com) to your contacts, and if you're a member/regular attender of FBC, save the mass contact number (223-83) into your list of contacts. 

Some of our events will have sign-ups (e.g. craft nights) & some won't (e.g. dinners). Let us make this clear, you are FREE to invite your friends/family members to ANY of our events! Matter of fact, we WANT you to! Especially those who are unchurched or unbelievers! Use these as an opportunity to reach out!  


Women's Bible Studies

Be on the look-out for the next offered Bible studies! If you have a study in mind, let us know! And if you feel led to lead one, we'd love to talk to you about it! 

Dinner Road Trip!

When: Friday, January 10

Time: 6:00 pm

Where: Meet in the church parking lot. We'll ride on the vans together. We may need some to drive if there is not enough room. No sign-up is required. 

What to bring? A wrapped ornament for our gift exchange. If you can bring a finger-food, please do so. If you can't, DO NOT worry about it! We usually have an abundance of food so don't let that stop you from coming!

What to wear? Wear your most festive Christmas attire. For some, this may be a red sweater which is great! For others, they may surprise us with reindeer antlers down to bells on their shoes. And that's ok, too! We just may have a prize for the one who stands out the most! 

Who can come? YOU! And, as always, invite a friend or two to tag along. The more the merrier, especially at our Christmas Party!   

Service Opportunities

We are on the lookout for an opportunity to serve our community. If you know of something that the ladies from our church can do together, let us know!



We are so looking forward to spending time with you all! As always, contact us with any questions, comments, or prayer requests. We find it an honor and joy to stand in the gap for you.


Much love,

Your Women's Ministry Team


We NEED Your Input!

Let us know what you'd like to get on the calendar for women's ministry. Maybe another craft night (if so, give us some ideas!), a Bible study, hiking adventure, or...? Let us know your thoughts! Email us @ fbccochranwomen@gmail.com

Our ministry team:

Melissa Blankenship

Crystal Collins

Andrea Floyd

Devan Garrett

Lisa Rogers

Feel free to get in touch with any of our women's ministry team for specific prayer requests, ideas, questions, or comments. Call the church office for direct contact information.