Legacy Builders

Our senior adult ministry is called Legacy Builders! Just because we are a group of mostly retired people, doesn't mean that we can't serve the Lord in ministry and enjoy the fellowship of others through special events and fun trips. 

The Purpose of Legacy Builders Ministry is to stimulate spiritual growth, Great Commission involvement, and deepen the understanding of the importance of leaving a strong legacy of faith and faithfulness to the younger generations.

Contact the church office about details for becoming involved in Legacy Builders! 478-934-6356


Georgia Museum of Agriculture in Tifton, GA

April 3

Legacy Builder Luncheon

April 10

Call the church office for more information 478-934-6356.

Gathering Place happenings

The Gathering Place at 109 S Second Street

has been recently renovated and

has become the new home for various ministries.

There are sewing rooms for the Thread Bearers ministry,

craft rooms, game rooms, board games, outdoor games, 

and patio furniture.

Thread Bearers on Mission

Every Thursday @ 9:30 am

Beginners to experienced seamstresses and anyone

who would like to help are welcome! 

We will be working on a variety of projects.

Some will be local and some international. 

Come join us for the activities @ The Gathering Place.