First Kids

We want to provide an environment in which children are safe, are taught at an age-appropriate level, and are encouraged to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ. It is our goal to make sure that every family is safe and comfortable using our First Kids facilities. Also, we want to partner with parents of the children to care and nurture them the way that they would at home. Through all of our activities we want to show Jesus to the children through large group worship, small group classes, and personal relationships. If you have any questions about our ministry, please contact Ryan @ 478-934-6356 or speak to any of our volunteers!

If you would like to see some of the activities that we are doing throughout the year, follow us on Facebook HERE!

  • What To Expect

    From the time your child comes in to leaving, we want them to be comfortable and enjoy their time at First Kids. Here is a breakdown of what to expect on any of the days that you may come to our church. 


    - Kids from bed babies to Kindergarten will be dropped off at our nursery entrance on the first floor after being checked in by our staff. 

    - Kids from 1st-6th grade will go to the First Kids entrance on the second floor after being checked in by our staff. 

    - You can pick up your children at the same door that you dropped them off at 10:45.


    - All Children can be dropped off in the lobby of the church where their teacher will meet them to take them to their class. They will be able to be picked up at the First Kids entrance on the second floor, or they can go straight into AWANA!

    SUNDAY NIGHT AWANA (5:30pm-6:30pm)*

    - All Children can be dropped off at the second floor entrance. The Cubbies (3yo-PreK) can be picked up at the first floor entrance.

    WEDNESDAY NIGHT (6:30pm-7:30pm)*

    - From 3 years old to Kindergarten can be dropped off at the first floor entrance. All others (1-6th grade) can be dropped off at the second floor entrance. Everyone will be picked up from the door that they were dropped off. 

    *Nursery is provided during these times

  • Sunday Small Groups

    Sunday Small Groups is a vital part of who we are as a church! We love to invest into our next generation through the teaching and showing the kids how to live their lives in a way that is pleasing to God. We have the kids split into similar aged classes and as they interact with their peers, they learn truths from God's Word! If you have any questions about how Sunday Small Groups works,  please contact Ryan @ 478-934-6356!

  • Bible Drills

    Bible Skills, Thrills, & Drills is an awesome way to connect with God's Word! There will be games, crafts, drama, music, and lots of great activities– all to develop Bible skills. Children will memorize and locate all the books & divisions of the Bible. They'll also learn & memorize Key Passages and verses, depending on their grade. Join us for this challenging, yet rewarding opportunity! Bible drills meet from 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm on Sunday nights. For more information, please contact Ryan @ 478-934-6356 or any of our volunteers!

    Psalm 119:11    "I have treasured Your word in my heart so that I may not sin against You. "

    2nd Timothy 3: 16-17   "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work."


    AWANA is a children's program where the kids, ages 3 y/o through 6th grade, will come together on Sunday nights at 5:30 to worship Jesus in a fun, energetic, kid-loving way! Large group time, small group time and recreation are all a part of AWANA. AWANA will focus on Scripture memorization and fun! Hiding God's Word in our hearts is our main focus so we can share the Love of God no matter what!

    Cubbies - 3y/o - 1st grade

    Sparks: Kindergarten-2nd Grade

    T&T: 3rd Grade-6th Grade

  • Wednesday night

    On Wednesday nights we have a lot of opportunities for all ages! 

    Other than nursery, we also have a 3 year old-Kindergarten class which dives into how Go uses lots of people all over the world for His kingdom. 

    Then we have our 1st-4th grade class which we focus on who Jesus is and how He can change our lives! 

    Finally, we have our 5th & 6th grade class called "THE 56", and they will be focusing how we identify ourselves with Christ and not the World! 

    If you have any questions about what we do on Wednesday nights or want to volunteer, contact Ryan @ 478-934-6356!

  • Nursery/Preschool

    We seek to provide a safe, Christian environment for the youngest members of our church family. We hope that our loving care for your child will allow you to participate in the multitude of opportunities our church has to offer.  

    Our Nursery/Preschool Ministry provides care to infants through 3 years of age.  We strive to provide a clean and safe environment to all children who come in/out of the nursery/preschool doors.

    Our Volunteers are required to submit to a background check every year so that you can assure that we have the best volunteers!

    If you would like to volunteer, please contact Ryan @ 478-934-6356 Thanks!

  • volunteer

    John Wesley once said, "Do all the good you can, in all the places you can, to all the people you can." Putting our faith into action is at the very heart of our Christian calling. By volunteering to serve through various ministry opportunities, every person in the church has the opportunity to serve and to live their calling more faithfully. If you would like to volunteer with First Kids, there will be a background check that you will have to submit to and it will be renewed every year. Contact Ryan @ 478-934-6356 if you would like more information.