first Baptist Church

Learning to walk in grace with God, each other and the bigger world we inhabit.

  • Worship Schedule

    One Service @ 10:00 am in the Fellowship Hall.

    To review the guidelines for Sunday's service, click on the icon.

    We will also broadcast live on Sunday mornings @ 10:00 am and on Wednesday evenings @ 7:00 pm through Facebook Live each week.  Additional live broadcasts are being planned for the purpose of keeping us "connected" during this short season of social distancing.

    The Church Office will be open, Monday - Friday, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.

    We will continue to monitor the situation; our response as outlined above is hopefully for the safety and betterment of our community.  Let's also demonstrate our faith by responding to opportunities to help neighbors in need, practicing the beautiful art of encouragement, and going overboard in our efforts to stay connected!  I'm excited to witness how God shows Himself faithful and true in the days ahead.  "Hold on to common sense and discretion..."  Pk

  • Online Giving

    Click on the icon to make an online donation.

  • Youtube channel

    (watch Previous episodes here)

    If you missed our live broadcast, click on the icon to watch.

  • Join our team

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  • Vip connection card

    Click the icon to fill out our Online Connection Card.

  • Newsletter

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  • calendar

    Here is a link to our church online calendar to keep you up to date with our ministries and activities. 

  • sunday morning small groups

    Classes for all age groups

    9:15 am every Sunday morning

    To view a listing of all available Bible study groups, click on the icon.

  • wednesday night fellowship meals

    Join us for our family night fellowship suppers as we share a meal together around the table.  We offer meals for all ages.   Regular plate is $4.50 and chicken tenders and fries is $3.00. 

    Serving from 5:15 pm till 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall.

    Canceled until further notice. 

    To make your reservations, click on the icon.

  • Right Now media

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  • PRAYER Requests

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  • Pk's Perspective

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